Warren-Blackwood residents invited to participate in South West health service planning workshops

The WA Country Health Service (WACHS) is calling on the local Warren-Blackwood community to participate in workshops designed to help guide the future of health services in the area.
According to WACHS South West Regional Director Kerry Winsor, the workshops form part of the organisation’s ongoing commitment to ensuring regional hospitals and health services meet community need now and into the future.
“While we’re proud of the services our staff deliver, we know there is always room for us to improve,” Ms Winsor said.
“This is an exciting opportunity for the community to help us ensure facilities in Warren-Blackwood are supporting them to be as healthy as they can be.”
Ms Winsor said it’s expected the information gathered from these workshops will help inform the service plans being developed for the region and each of the South West districts.
“Our patients are at the centre of everything that we do, including service design,” she said.
“We want an even stronger network of South West hospitals and health services that improve patient outcomes and experiences and give consumers more choice and control.”
Manjimup, Pemberton, Northcliffe residents are are invited to attend the Warren district workshop being held Wednesday 16 June, 11.00am to 1.00pm, at Manjimup Wellness and Respite Centre, Manjimup.
Bridgetown, Boyup Brook and Nannup residents are invited to attend the Blackwood district workshop being held Thursday 24 June, 11.00am to 1.00pm, at the St John Ambulance Sub Centre, Bridgetown.
For more information or to register, visit the Warren District Planning Workshop or Blackwood District Planning Workshop Eventbrite pages or email WACHS-SW-BHServDev@health.wa.gov.au.
Workshops in other district are being planned for the coming months.
According to WACHS South West Regional Director Kerry Winsor, the workshops form part of the organisation’s ongoing commitment to ensuring regional hospitals and health services meet community need now and into the future.
“While we’re proud of the services our staff deliver, we know there is always room for us to improve,” Ms Winsor said.
“This is an exciting opportunity for the community to help us ensure facilities in Warren-Blackwood are supporting them to be as healthy as they can be.”
Ms Winsor said it’s expected the information gathered from these workshops will help inform the service plans being developed for the region and each of the South West districts.
“Our patients are at the centre of everything that we do, including service design,” she said.
“We want an even stronger network of South West hospitals and health services that improve patient outcomes and experiences and give consumers more choice and control.”
Manjimup, Pemberton, Northcliffe residents are are invited to attend the Warren district workshop being held Wednesday 16 June, 11.00am to 1.00pm, at Manjimup Wellness and Respite Centre, Manjimup.
Bridgetown, Boyup Brook and Nannup residents are invited to attend the Blackwood district workshop being held Thursday 24 June, 11.00am to 1.00pm, at the St John Ambulance Sub Centre, Bridgetown.
For more information or to register, visit the Warren District Planning Workshop or Blackwood District Planning Workshop Eventbrite pages or email WACHS-SW-BHServDev@health.wa.gov.au.
Workshops in other district are being planned for the coming months.
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