You can help improve the outpatient health journey

Understanding the experience and needs of patients and carers is an essential part of how WA Health makes improvements to healthcare.
In recognition of this, WA Department of Health has launched the statewide Outpatient Reform survey to ensure reform initiatives are designed and delivered with consumers in mind transform the patient journey based on feedback from outpatients.
WA Country Health Service (WACHS) Director Outpatient Reform and Access Stephanie Waters said giving patients the opportunity to have their say on what they consider are key priorities based on their own experience will assist WA in addressing issues that matter most for regional patients.
“Through the information gained directly from patients who complete a simple survey we can work to provide country people with more timely access to high value, public outpatient care.”
WA Health is asking patients and carers Australia-wide with experience accessing WA public outpatient services to complete a survey to gain a better understanding of what the ‘ideal’ patient journey would look and feel like from a patient or carer’s perspective.
“The survey is open now until Monday 13 September with those completing it actively contributing to the improvement of public specialist outpatient services across Western Australia,” Ms Waters added.
You can complete the survey online to help WA Health ensure the provision of equitable, high-quality and person-centred care.