Popular birthing classes now available in-person for Geraldton families

WA Country Health Service (WACHS) is expanding its innovative Positive Birth Program with in-person classes now available in Geraldton for expectant mothers and their birth partners, just in time for Mother’s Day.
Community Health Clinical Nurse Specialist and Midwife Ebony Pearse will deliver the popular birth program at the Child and Parent Centre in Rangeway, with the first class on Saturday 11 May.
Each class provides expectant parents with the knowledge and tools required to negotiate the birth process including natural birth, assisted birth and caesarean section and covers topics such as breathing and deep relaxation techniques, care-planning for labour and birth and breastfeeding.
Executive Director Nursing and Midwifery Maria Flynn said the program had been highly successful in helping to reduce birth intervention rates in country hospitals.
“We know that providing access to quality antenatal education programs for expectant parents can help to improve the physical and mental health of mums and babies.”
Ms Flynn said that recent evaluation of the program has shown that it is not only helpful for first time parents but is proving very popular for families in subsequent pregnancies.
“Whether this is your first birth or your second or third, it’s incredibly important that expectant mums feel calm, relaxed and informed.”
Delivered in partnership with Hypnobirthing Australia, classes are run over three weeks in the lead up to birth and are free for Medicare eligible families.
The program is also available via telehealth across the Midwest and country WA.
For enrolment, contact WACHSBirthEducation@health.wa.gov.au