Travel advice for older West Australians

Now that COVID-19 restrictions are easing we’re able to get out there and explore Western Australia. If you’re planning to wander out yonder and discover all that our great state has to offer we want to make sure that you’re well prepared when it comes to your health. There’s nothing worse than having your trip interrupted by a visit to the doctor!
Before you head off
It’s best to book an appointment with your GP before your trip to discuss your medications, get any scripts you might need and to talk about any health issues that may impact your travel plans.
A GP can also give you a full list of your medications so you can take it away with you.
Make sure you’ve got enough medication for the duration of your trip and pack your scripts too, just in case. Remember, it’s important to continue taking your regular medications, even when you’re on holiday, as forgetting could have serious effects on your health.
Top tips for older travellers
• Make sure to pack your medications and repeat scripts.
• Ensure your medications are stored properly so they remain effective.
• Ensure your scripts are filled ahead of time, to avoid running out of medication.
• Keep your doctor, pharmacy, family and emergency numbers handy.
• Put in place a medication reminder system to ensure medications are taken on time. This could include setting an alarm.
• Bring a first aid kit for managing small cuts and abrasions.
• Seek advice regarding travel insurance and ambulance cover before leaving.
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