Dumbleyung Health Service redevelopment underway

Redevelopment has commenced at the Dumbleyung Health Service making it the last Health Service in the Wheatbelt to be upgraded.
The refurbishment works include improvements to the kitchen and patient bathroom, a new utility room and minor works in the emergency department.
Internal floor covering and painting will also be completed as part of the refurbishment works.
The work will be undertaken in two main stages with the patient area and kitchen currently under construction.
While the emergency department and visiting consultant services will continue to operate as usual, residents have been temporarily relocated to Wagin or Lake Grace.
The second stage of development will involve temporarily relocating the emergency department and visiting consultant services to a different area within the hospital.
Wheatbelt acting Regional Director Regina Michel-Huessy thanked patients, visitors and staff for their patience with disruption during the building redevelopment.
This upgrade is part of the biggest transformation of country hospitals and health facilities in more than a generation. The $1.5 billion building program, overseen by the WA Country Health Service is the most ambitious ever undertaken in regional WA and includes more than 80 sites from Kununurra in the Kimberley to Albany in the Great Southern.