Temporary change at Wyndham Hospital

The WA Country Health Service (WACHS) is temporarily changing the opening hours of Wyndham Hospital and providing an on-call emergency service overnight.
From Monday 25 October, the hospital's opening hours will be 7:30am to 7:30pm daily with after-hours emergency assistance available between 7.30pm and 7.30am.
The change in opening hours is in response to staffing shortages at the facility following a number of security incidents in the community which have caused safety concerns among staff, in an environment where staffing across WA is already very challenging.
Regional Director WA Country Health Service Kimberley, Bec Smith said the temporary change in opening hours was an interim solution to manage staffing at the hospital, while extensive workforce recruitment activity continues.
"We're working closely with community stakeholders to ensure patient care is not compromised.
"It is important the community know help is available if they need it.
"If you experience a medical emergency you should call 000.
"If you need urgent help you can still present to the hospital. A security guard will be on site and will alert the on-call nurse.
"If you need to speak to someone but it isn’t urgent, you can call Kununurra Hospital on 9166 4222 and ask to speak to the nurse manager.
"HealthDirect is also available 24/7 on 1800 022 222."