Community members tour Collie Health Service

Members of the Collie Community Reference Group were treated to a preview of the new hospital as significant work progresses in its redevelopment.
The $14.7 million Collie Health Service redevelopment will see the operating theatre complex completely upgraded as well as a kitchen refurbishment and artwork installation.
WA Country Health Service’s Jeremy Higgins said the tour was an opportunity for key members of the community to see the impressive new upgrades up close.
“The Collie Community Reference Group provides a vital link to our consumer, carer and community perspective so it’s important to us to keep them fully informed and engaged,” he said,
“The tour gave the group a comprehensive overview of the main facets of services to be improved and the community benefits set to come with its completion.
“By ensuring ongoing consultation and collaboration with groups such as this, we are able to learn more from our consumers and improve the healthcare experience of our communities.”
The Collie Health Service redevelopment is on track for completion in mid-2023.