Councillors tour Karratha Health Campus

The City of Karratha’s mayor, local councillors and key staff were recently given a tour of the new Karratha Health Campus and saw first-hand the significant progress being made.
Building a world class hospital is no easy task and the $207.15 million Karratha Health Campus is no exception.
Piece by piece the local community is witnessing the construction of the new 13,000sq metre building, which is the single biggest investment in a public hospital ever undertaken in regional WA.
The tour was hosted by Hudson Lun, Project Manager for builders Brookfield Multiplex Cooper and Oxley JV with support from Site Engineer Davis Counsel and Acting Regional Director Nursing and Midwifery Monica Seth.
Monica said the tour was a great opportunity for councillors to see the impressive new facility up close.
“Every time I visit the site I am impressed by how much it has changed as work rapidly progresses. The building is currently around 35 per cent complete and it’s exciting to see it taking shape.”
The group toured key areas of the facility including outpatients, emergency department, inpatient ward, maternity and main entry.
Councillors had the opportunity to ask a number of questions as they walked around the facility and were surprised at the level of progress.
“You can really appreciate the sense of scale and significance of this new facility as construction starts to take shape amid the continuing transformation of Karratha’s skyline,” City of Karratha Mayor Cr Peter Long said.
The Karratha Health Campus will have a significantly expanded emergency department, a brand new surgical centre, new delivery suites and maternity wing, world-class telehealth services, new and expanded outpatients and essential services such as child health and medical imaging, all under one roof.
The state-of-the-art construction is on schedule, on budget and on target for practical completion in 2018.
The Karratha Health Campus has been made possible with a $206.5 million investment by the State Government's Royalties for Regions program through the Pilbara Development Commission and $650,000 from the resources sector through the Pilbara Health Initiative.
WACHS Media contact: Fran Lyons, 6145 4166