A year in the making at Karratha Health Campus

Thousands of photographs have been merged to show a year of building work on the new Karratha Health Campus – in just over four minutes.
The remarkable time lapse video uses more than 4000 images taken throughout the year to create a stunning visual.
The high speed footage shows huge cranes manoeuvring sections of concrete into place piece by piece as the building starts to take shape.
The images, taken through both night and day, show the level of work that has gone into the construction of the two-storey, 13,000 square metre building since footage began in October last year.
WA Country Health Service Chief Executive Jeff Moffet said there were few things more complex to build than a new hospital.
“Getting a new hospital up and running isn’t as simple as opening its doors. It’s a massive operation, years in the making which this footage clearly shows,” he said.
“However the end goal is absolutely worth it as we will be able to offer our community a new purpose built facility offering the latest in technology and equipment which has been designed with the patient’s care and comfort in mind.
“It’s exciting to see the building taking shape and I am looking forward to seeing how the finished building will positively impact the local community.”
While most people see the concrete façade, which is obviously a significant part of the development, this often masks the behind the scenes details, which can be the most complex.
“I was impressed during a recent tour of the facility at the level of detail already developed internally,” Jeff said.
“There are around 150 workers on site each day, with most now working on the inside of the building.”
The facility is on track for completion in 2018 and, when completed, will have a significantly expanded emergency department, a brand new surgical centre, new maternity wing and delivery suites, world class telehealth services, new and expanded outpatients and essential services such as child health and medical imaging, all under one roof.
As part of the redevelopment, an art project is being coordinated which will showcase the work of a number of artists with connections to the Pilbara region.
Delivered under the State Government’s Percent for Art Scheme, the artwork will enhance both the interior and exterior of the building, providing a visual narrative, encouraging wayfinding and creating a calming and culturally friendly atmosphere.
During a recent visit to the region, WA Country Health Service Board Members were given a sneak peek at some of the art already purchased for the campus.
“Patients, staff and visitors to the new Karratha Health Campus can look forward to some exciting and colourful pieces when the new facility opens its doors next year,” said Jeff.
The $207.15 million Karratha Health Campus has been made possible with a $206.5 million investment by the State Government’s Royalties for Regions program through the Pilbara Development Commission and $650,000 from Pilbara Industry contributors.
You can view the time lapse video here.