Country midwives bring Positive Birth Program to Kununurra

WA Country Health Service (WACHS) is expanding its innovative Positive Birth Program with in-person classes available in Kununurra for expectant mothers and their birth partners from January 2024.
Each class provides expectant parents with the tools needed to negotiate the birth process, covering topics such as mind and body connection, delivering the placenta and breastfeeding. Classes are run over three weeks in the lead up to birth.
Delivered in partnership with Hypnobirthing Australia, the program is free for Medicare eligible families.
While the program is aimed at first time parents, it can also be beneficial for those who are on subsequent pregnancies and would like to be better informed and have some additional tools to navigate the birth of a child.
Acting Executive Director Nursing and Midwifery Yvonne Bagwell said the program had been highly successful in reducing birth intervention rates in country hospitals.
“We know that providing access to quality antenatal education programs for expectant parents can help to improve overall physical health and mental wellbeing of mums, bubs and families.
“Feeling calm, relaxed and empowered is incredibly important.”
Kununurra mum Kate says the program helped her prepare for the birth of her son earlier this year.
“I was educated, informed and made choices prior to going into labour and I had an amazing birthing experience, it was empowering and I felt supported by my birthing team.”
The program is also available via telehealth, with face-to-face classes available in Bunbury, Busselton, Esperance, Albany and Kununurra.
For enrolment information, email