Customer service excellence awarded to Midwest team

The WA Country Health Service Midwest team won the Customer Service Excellence award category at the Australian Institute of Management WA Pinnacle Awards last week.
The win recognised the WA Country Health Service for its outstanding achievements in demonstrating leadership and commitment to excellence in customer service through the Midwest’s “Consumer Engagement in the 21st Century” project.
Jeffrey Calver, the WA Country Health Service Regional Director (Midwest) said that the Consumer Engagement in the 21st Century project has improved engagement and communications between Midwest health service users and the organisation.
“We recognise that there’s no ‘one size fits all’ approach to consumer engagement which is what led us to develop new and innovative approaches to improve engagement and communication between the WA Country Health Service and the country community,” Mr Calver said.
“Linking web based platforms like Patient Opinion and Facebook has allowed us to obtain real-time feedback about consumer experiences enabling us to identify and drive service improvement and reform, build deeper and more personalised connections, actively work with the public and empower local communities to have a greater say in their health care.”
Since inception in 2013, the Australian Institute of Management WA Pinnacle Awards have grown to be the state’s most reputable business awards, recognising excellence in the corporate, government and not-for-profit sectors across eight categories.
Each category winner was awarded leadership and management training to the value of $20,000 to donate to a charity of their choice.
Project lead Michelle Young said that she had asked for the award prize to be donated to the Leukaemia Foundation. It’s a charity that is close to her heart, as her nephew Kurt passed away from Leukaemia in 2013 at the age of 15. The Leukaemia Foundation is dedicated to helping those with leukaemia, lymphoma, myeloma and related blood disorders survive and live a better quality of life.