HEALTH ALERT: Protect yourself against extreme heat

Update as at 2 January: ALL CLEAR
The extreme heatwave warning is no longer in place for the Pilbara region.
WA Country Health Service is advising people south east of Karratha – including Roebourne, Yandeyarra, Marble Bar, Nullagine and Millstream Chichester National Park to prepare for extreme heat.
A heatwave is continuing and forecast to further intensify over Roebourne on Saturday 30 December.
Health safety advice:
- Seek a place to keep cool, such as your home, a library, community centre or shopping centre.
- Close your windows and draw blinds, curtains or awnings early in the day to keep the heat out of your home.
- If available, use fans or air-conditioners to keep cool.
- Keep hydrated by drinking plenty of fluids. Fluids include water, diluted juice (mixed with water) and low sugar sports drinks.
- Limit or avoid alcohol and caffeinated drinks (including tea, coffee and energy drinks) as these can increase dehydration.
- Limit time outdoors. If you need to go outside, try to do so in the early morning or late evening. If you do go outside make sure to put on a hat and sunglasses, apply sunscreen and try to stay in the shade.
- When outdoors, wear lightweight, light-coloured and loose-fitting clothing that covers as much skin as possible.
- Sleep with just a sheet over you in the coolest part of the house. Remove winter bedding and replace it with lightweight, cotton bedding.
- Wrap medications needing refrigeration in foil or heat repellent containers with an icepack to keep them cool if there is a power outage.
For information on staying safe during a heatwave visit HealthyWA - Heatwaves and Working Safely in Hot Conditions.
For the latest heatwave forecast visit Bureau of Meteorology.
Last Updated: