Karratha Midwifery Group Practice supports first babies

WA Country Health Service’s (WACHS) Karratha Midwifery Group Practice has supported the births of 35 babies since launching in March.
The award-winning model of care is currently being trialled in Karratha and sees women and families cared for by a known midwife throughout their pregnancy journey, during labour and birth, and postnatally.
WACHS Pilbara Executive Director Lisa Smith said the service is already providing outstanding care to expectant families.
“Each year, Karratha Health Campus supports around 300 women to birth locally.
“We wanted to be responsive to their feedback that a midwifery-led option for low-risk births would be good, which led to the trial,” Ms Smith said.
Karratha mum Jenny Lackes said it was important to her that she was able to access a midwifery-led service.
“I’m from Germany where it’s common practice to have one midwife that looks after you for your entire pregnancy until the baby’s born and I was hoping I could get that experience in Australia.”
As a first-time mum, Jenny said it was important for her to feel supported.
“I think it’s very important to have that special care – to have someone there for your entire pregnancy who knows you and how your pregnancy has been progressing and then obviously for the birth as well.”
“The care and support provided by my midwife was exceptional and I felt like I was in such good hands.”
“I didn’t think I could do it but thanks to Lea’s support and persistence when I needed it, I managed to birth my beautiful girl Noa, naturally,” she said.
For Jenny, the experience made such an impact that she and her partner are considering staying in Karratha longer term.
“We would love to have another baby here in Karratha.
“I hope more women in the Pilbara will get to experience the same care I received during the most amazing experience of my life.”