Telehealth technology helps local man stay close to home for audiology care

WA Country Health Service is helping country patients access specialist healthcare closer to home by harnessing virtual care technology.
For Geraldton local David Rowe, instead of a 10-hour round trip to Perth to see his audiology specialist, he was able to have testing and readjustments to his cochlear implant just 10 minutes away at Geraldton Health Campus.
Specialist audiology equipment is used at the local site to assist with the coordination of cochlear ear assessments with clinicians based in Perth.
“It’s a five-hour drive to get to Perth and if I can’t organise accommodation, it’s the same back again in one day. I live about 10 minutes from the local hospital so it’s much more convenient,” said David.
Executive Director Strategy and Change Melissa Vernon said the health service had long been a global leader in innovation and harnessing technology for a more equitable health system.
"In country WA, telehealth is changing the way we deliver services.
"We're providing 24/7 specialist emergency support for staff in country hospitals treating acute emergency patients, including those with mental health concerns, as well as inpatient and outpatient consults," Ms Vernon said.
"It's also helping us to deliver training and education opportunities for health staff and consumers."
To mark Telehealth Awareness Week (23-27 October) WACHS is shining a spotlight on how digital technology is positively impacting country communities.
Check with your health professional to see if a telehealth appointment is right for you. For more information visit the HealthyWA website.