Pilbara parents praise Positive Birth Program
WA Country Health Service is expanding its Positive Birth Program classes to support expectant Karratha families.
Parents can develop the skills needed to navigate the birth process, mind and body connection, deep relaxation techniques, care-planning for labour and birth and breastfeeding across each class.
Delivered in partnership with Hypnobirthing Australia, the program is free for Medicare eligible families.
Executive Director Nursing and Midwifery Maria Flynn said the evidence from programs such as these is that they can be highly successful in helping reduce birth intervention rates, which is great news for country hospitals.
“Mental and physical health for mums and babies is crucial, that’s why we are providing access to quality antenatal education programs,” she said.
“This program is an important aspect for expectant parents to feel informed and relaxed going into their birthing experience.”
Pilbara parents Georgina and Jeremy praised the program and how it assisted them through the home birth of their son Dustin.
“I didn’t realise I was in active labour - I think this was due to the techniques and tracks learnt in the Positive Birth Program and hypnobirthing,” Georgina said.
Dad Jeremy advocated for soon to be fathers to get behind it.
“I couldn’t rave more about the service – it prepared me for the birth experience,” Jeremey said.
The program is available right across country WA via telehealth, with face-to-face classes in Karratha launching 25 May.
For enrolment contact WACHSBirthEducation@health.wa.gov.au.