Telehealth connecting families with allied health teams

During the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, WA Country Health Service (WACHS) led the country in the use of telehealth, keeping communities connected despite lockdowns and restrictions.
While life may be returning to normal in WA, telehealth technology remains an important tool in country healthcare.
In recognition of Telehealth Awareness Week (24-28 October) staff at WACHS are sharing how digital technologies are supporting care closer to home.
Moora Hospital Speech Pathologist Rachel Christian said telehealth has transformed Allied Health professionals’ ability to support their busiest patients.
“We find telehealth is convenient for the busy schedules of our country families who often have to travel long distances for health services while juggling kids, school, work and sporting commitments,” she said.
“The increase in telehealth is allowing us to provide a streamlined service with easier scheduling of multidisciplinary appointments without the need for clinicians to be in the same place.
“It also gives our speech pathology teams the ability to hold appointments without masks, which is particularly important when working on the correct production of speech sounds.”
For nine-year-old patient Caleb Martin, telehealth means his family (including his pet duck) can be by his side for appointments.
Caleb meets with his multidisciplinary team from the comfort of his home allowing Allied Health professionals to see him when he is most relaxed.
In 2020-21 telehealth saved country patients from travelling 46 million kilometres for outpatient appointments, saving $6.6 million in fuel costs.
In addition to outpatient appointments, telehealth technology allows for frontline staff to be supported to deliver potentially lifesaving care through services including the Emergency Telehealth Service, Mental Health Emergency Telehealth Service, Inpatient Telehealth Service, Maternity and Obstetric Emergency Telehealth Service, Palliative Care Afterhours Telehealth Service and more.