Bunbury Regional Hospital welcomes pharmacy internship expansion

A trio of graduates has marked the beginning of a new era at Bunbury Regional Hospital, with the expansion of the WA Country Health Service (WACHS) Pharmacy Internship Program.
Ashwin, Katherine and Lina joined the South West site this month as the first intern pharmacists in the region as part of the program.
The expansion of the program forms one part of a significant investment from WACHS into the ongoing growth and sustainability of country WA’s pharmacy workforce.
Bunbury Regional Hospital Director Jeff Calver welcomed the new pharmacists to Bunbury Regional Hospital and said they were a valuable addition to the region.
“It’s an exciting time for our entire Bunbury Regional Hospital team to have this new cohort of pharmacists join us,” he said.
“As one of country WA’s busiest hospitals the learning opportunities available to these interns will be enormous and I encourage them to embrace and enjoy their time here.
“From the very beginning of their careers they will be able to tap into hands-on support on offer from our senior staff to help grow and guide their career development.”
Previously, the program had only one internship position available for graduates at Kalgoorlie Health Campus.
The trio joins six other intern pharmacists who are embarking on internships at Kalgoorlie Health Campus, Hedland Health Campus, Northam Hospital, Albany Health Campus and Geraldton Health Campus.