Positive Birth Program birth combs help soothe expectant mums

WA Country Health Service’s (WACHS) Positive Birth Program is an innovative antenatal education program designed to support a positive and empowering birth experience for expectant mothers across country WA.
Delivered in partnership with Hypnobirthing Australia, the program focuses on best practice complementary therapies for birth such as breathing and relaxation techniques, acupressure, body movement and physio support while maintaining the principles of the medical model such as induction of labour and pain relief.
WA Country Health Service is now providing free birth combs to families that attend the Positive Birth Program – either in person or via telehealth.
These combs are a useful tool for women in labour, designed to reduce pain signals with each contraction. The comb should sit where your fingers meet your palm, allowing the laogong acupressure point to be activated when squeezed, signalling to your body to release endorphins.
WACHS Clinical Midwifery Specialist – Parent Education Kasey Biggar said providing birth combs is just one way the Positive Birth Program supports expectant mothers through their birthing journey.
“For some people, using self-managed pain relief techniques can be highly effective and provide a greater sense of control over the sensations of labour,” Ms Biggar said.
Positive Birth Programs are available in-person, or via telehealth.
For more information contact WACHS Birth Education.