Population Health Services
Aboriginal Health
Boodjari Yorgas
Our Boodjari Yorgas program delivers antenatal and child health services that are culturally appropriate, easily accessible and in consultation with the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities.
The service aims to address the needs of Aboriginal women, children and their families during an important time of their lives.
Aboriginal Liaison Officers in the hospitals
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander patients are offered support with their hospital journey by site based Aboriginal Liaison Officers. They advocate on behalf of Aboriginal patients so they can understand their health concerns and treatment. Have a role in improving cultural awareness across the service.
Aboriginal Liaison Officers are available at our Bunbury, Busselton, Collie and Manjimup sites.
Community health
Community health services contribute to the health, development and wellbeing of children in the early years and school aged children. Community child and school health nurses and allied health professionals deliver services that focus on prevention, early identification and interventions to help achieve optimal health and developmental outcomes in south west region. The team provide family centered care and parenting support through integrated services for child health, school health, child development and immunisation.
South West community health is based in Bunbury, Busselton, Collie and Manjimup and provides services to other sites across the region. We provide child health and development services including allied health, school health, immunisations and support with Boodjari Yorgas.
Bunbury Community Health

Location: 24A Hudson Rd, Withers WA 6230
Phone: (08) 9795 2888
Email: WACHS-SWPHHudsonRdAdmin@health.wa.gov.au
Busselton Community Health

Location: Busselton Health Campus, Mill Rd, Busselton WA 6280
Phone: (08) 9753 6500
Email: WACHS-SWPHBusseltonAdmin@health.wa.gov.au>
Wellington (Collie) Community Health

Location: Collie Hospital, Deakin Street, Collie WA 6225
Phone: (08) 9735 1450
Email: WACHS-SWPHWellingtonAdmin@health.wa.gov.au
Warren Community Health

Location: Warren Health Campus, Hospital Ave, Manjimup WA 6258
Phone: (08) 9735 1450
Email: WACHS-SWPHManjimupAdmin@health.wa.gov.au
Public health
Based in Bunbury, the South West Public Health Unit coordinates and manages communicable disease prevention and control, sexual health, regional immunisation coordination across the region by:
- Coordinating the Immunisation, Communicable Disease, Needle and Syringe Program (NSP) and the Sexual Health and Blood Borne Virus programs
- Completing timely follow-up of notifiable and communicable diseases and infections
- Responding to new and emerging public health issues
- Conducting and acting upon the surveillance of public health issues and outbreaks
Contact the team on (08) 9781 2359 or email WACHSSouthwestCommunicableDiseaseControl@health.wa.gov.au.
Health promotion
The South West health promotion team aims to improve the health and wellbeing of people in the South West region by empowering individuals, organisations and communities to make healthier choices, thereby reducing chronic disease and injury.
Health promotion practitioners are responsible for planning, implementing and evaluating sustainable and evidence informed health promotion programs in collaboration with internal and external stakeholders and the community. Our team provide a place-based model of service delivery across the continuum of care and the life course, with a focus on the following key priority areas and programs:
- Perinatal Health & Healthy Childhood Development – Healthy Country Kids, Early Years Network
- Healthy Lifestyles - HEALTM program; PARTY program
- Healthy Environments – Public Health Planning; South West Leavers; Health Promoting Schools
- Effective Disease Prevention – cancer prevention and screening promotion; immunisation promotion
- Enabling health promotion in primary and acute care settings – Smoke Free WA Policy; Healthy Options Policy; Take Home Naloxone Program
The Health Promotion team provides a regional service across the south west, with team members primarily based at health service sites in Bunbury, Busselton, Manjimup and Collie and provide outreach support to other communities.
Email the team at WACHS-SW.HealthPromotion@health.wa.gov.au.