Workplace based assessment

Assessment pathways to registration for international medical graduates to practice in Australia

Doctors whose primary medical qualifications were obtained in a country other than Australia or New Zealand are known in Australia as international medical graduates (IMGs).

For any doctor to practice medicine within Australia, they must be registered with the Medical Board of Australia (the Board). IMGs seeking registration with the Board must undertake assessment of their knowledge and clinical skills via an appropriate pathway. For more information on the assessment pathways click here.

The Standard Pathway is for IMGs who do not qualify for the other assessment pathways and are seeking general registration as a medical practitioner within Australia.

IMGs applying for the Standard Pathway should apply directly to the Australian Medical Council (AMC) To be eligible to apply for general registration with the Board under the Standard Pathway, IMGs must meet the Board’s registration standards listed here, which include:

  1. Holding an Australian Medical Council (AMC) Certificate
  2. Satisfactory completion of 12 months of supervised practice (minimum of 47 weeks full-time equivalent service) in Australia
  3. Satisfactory completion of rotations in Medicine (10 weeks), Surgery (10 weeks) and Emergency Medicine (eight weeks) demonstrating the Board’s Intern Outcome Statements and Guidelines for Terms (for exemptions see here)

There are two ways to achieve the AMC Certificate under this pathway. The first is by examination only. This involves the AMC Computer Adaptive Test Multiple Choice Questionnaire (AMC CAT MCQ) examination and the AMC Clinical Examination. Most applicants are assessed through this method.

The second is by completing the AMC CAT MCQ examination and undertaking workplace based assessment through an AMC accredited authority. The Workplace Based Assessment (WBA) program was developed by the AMC as an alternative assessment to AMC Clinical Examination. There are limited places available through this pathway across Australia. 

Successful completion of the Standard Pathway (regardless of whether the candidate completed the AMC Clinical Exam or WBA) results in awarding of the AMC Certificate.

The Workplace Based Assessment (WBA) program is 12 months in duration. Through assessment in the everyday workplace, the WBA program assesses an IMG’s clinical skills and knowledge at the level expected of an Australian medical graduate at the end of postgraduate year 1 (PGY1) or internship level. The WBA is an assessment program, not a bridging or training course.

The content and the assessment standard of all accredited WBA programs are approved by the AMC and overseen by the AMC Board of Examiners to ensure consistency across programs and with AMC examinations. Throughout the WBA program, IMGs are assessed by experienced senior clinicians across a range of clinical areas, skills and dimensions. Using multiple assessors broadens the scope of assessment and ensures a more robust assessment process.

Assessments will consist of a combination of Mini-Clinical Examination (Mini-CEX), Direct Observation of Clinical Skills (DOPS), External Assessment (Report), Case Based Discussion (CBD), Supervisor Reports and Multisource Feedback (MSF). All assessments are reviewed and signed by the WBA Program Director, uploaded to the AMC WBA assessment portal and reviewed by the AMC following the completion of the program.

Successful completion of the WBA program results in the candidate being awarded the AMC Certificate. Participation in the WBA program does not guarantee general registration with AHPRA; candidates must meet all the requirements of the Medical Board of Australia prior to being granted general registration. More information on requirements for general registration can be found here.

WA Country Health Service sites that provide accredited Workplace Based Assessment (WBA) programs are Bunbury Regional Hospital, Geraldton Health Campus and Kalgoorlie Health Campus. You can find other accredited WBA programs throughout the state and Australia by clicking here. 

  1. Apply via the AMC to undertake the Standard Pathway and successfully complete the AMC computer adaptive test (CAT) multiple-choice question (MCQ) examination.
  2. Apply for a job opportunity which is (a minimum of) 12 months at Bunbury Regional Hospital, Geraldton Health Campus or Kalgoorlie Health Campus through WACHS Medical Vacancies or MedCareersWA and express in your cover letter that you are interested in the WBA program.
  3. Successful applicants who are eligible for the WBA program will be invited to complete a WBA application (from October).
  4. You will be notified once the panel has assessed all WBA applications (from November).

To be eligible to apply for the WBA program, applicants must meet the following criteria:

  • Be an international medical graduate with an employment contract or offer of employment at Geraldton, Bunbury or Kalgoorlie hospitals for a minimum of 12 months
  • AHPRA Level 2+ supervision
  • Have passed the AMC CAT MCQ (AMC Part 1)
  • Be performing clearly at or above expected level in an Australian hospital

Preference will be given to applicants that:

  • Have experience working at hospital of application
  • Have recent clinical experience at RMO Yr1+ standard across the clinical areas of medicine, surgery, emergency medicine, paediatrics, women’s health and mental health 
  • Demonstrate evidence of continuing professional development
  • Have demonstrated communication skills including English proficiency and ability to work in a team
  • Demonstrate interest in a specialist discipline currently in undersupply in the region, including general practice and rural generalism
  • Demonstrate evidence of a commitment to clinical service in regional WA
  • Hold employment contracts that are broad enough to enable assessments in most of the listed clinical areas as part of day-to-day work 

Applicants undertake paid employment at as part of the Workplace Based Assessment (WBA) program. Applicants pay a fee to WA Country Health Service for providing the WBA program. In 2025 fees are $15,000 per applicant. This can be paid in instalments. These fees are utilised by the hospital for program-related expenses associated with the management of the program, delivery of training workshops for supervisors and assessors, assessor fees and governance of the program. Applicants are also required to pay an administration fee directly to the AMC. If you are accepted onto the WBA program, you will be contacted to pay the appropriate fees.

Last Updated: 19/06/2024