Providing country patients with a lifeline to heart health

A specialist nurse-led service is transforming cardiac care, delivering one-on-one virtual appointments to country patients in the comfort of their own home.
Delivered by WA Country Health Service (WACHS), the innovative Heart Health Support Service was introduced in the Wheatbelt in October 2022 as a pilot program and expanded into the South West region in early 2023.
Every year, 43 per cent of cardiac events are a repeat occurrence. Cardiac rehab reduces that recurrence by helping people understand their condition and manage their risk factors.
“We know how important early intervention and follow up appointments are when someone has a heart condition,” said WACHS Cardiac Rehabilitation Clinical Nurse Specialist Nicole Skavik.
“To be able to provide virtual care at the click of a button, in the comfort of a patient’s own home, particularly in the early stages when a patient often can’t drive for weeks following a cardiac event, is a huge benefit.”
The Heart Health Support Service aims to improve equity of access to specialist care, in a way that is flexible and convenient for country people.
“It’s about ensuring country patients have access when they need support, figuring out what services are available in their local community that we can then connect them to,” said Nicole.
“The service is very patient-driven, patient-led and therefore patient-centred.”
FIFO worker Donny appreciates the convenience and the flexibility to schedule appointments that work with his roster.
“It’s great having the service locally and saved time not traveling to Perth. I’ve been given a lot of pointers and am eating well, exercising daily and losing weight,” he said.
“Prior to this I would have to travel over 200kms for a follow up appointment, so it’s been great not having to take time off work and travel.”
The WACHS Heart Health Support Service was introduced in the Wheatbelt in October 2022 as a pilot program and expanded into the South West region in March early 2023.
To access the service, patients can seek a referral from their GP or healthcare provider.
View this video to find out more about the Heart Health Support Service.