The redevelopment of Bunbury Regional Hospital just got bigger

The redevelopment of Bunbury Regional Hospital will now be the biggest ever undertaken in country WA with additional maternity, birthing, and neonatal services bringing the total investment to $277.9 million.
As announced by Health Minister Amber Jade Sanderson, an additional $77.8 million has been invested in the redevelopment to expand the maternity, birthing, and neonatal services at the hospital, and facilitate global building cost pressures.
This builds on the significant works already planned, including additional beds, an expanded emergency department, increased operating theatre capacity, new clinical equipment, new mental health facilities, plus WA's first regional training, education and research centre, as well as a boost to digital capability.
Director Bunbury Regional Hospital Jeff Calver said the investment would significantly increase capacity at the facility.
"The birthing suites will be expanded with double the delivery rooms and maternity inpatient beds. There will also be additional neonatal capacity," he said.
Mr Calver said the $277.9 million investment into the hospital ensured it would meet growing demand in the South West region for years to come.
"Bunbury Regional Hospital is home to a dedicated team of health professionals, delivering world class care to the South West region," he said.
"This major investment will deliver substantially expanded facilities to ensure the hospital continues to meet the needs of the community into the future."
The redevelopment has already achieved some significant milestones, with the delivery of more than 200 additional car bays and the opening of Mamang – a purpose-built, offsite outpatient and ambulatory care facility.