Temporary changes to parking at South West Health Campus

Important grounds maintenance at South West Health Campus will begin next week as the WA Country Health Service moves to prepare the site for Bunbury Regional Hospital’s $200.1 million redevelopment.
According to Hospital Director, Jeff Calver, this important step will see some staff parking and a small amount of public parking temporarily unavailable from Monday 31 May 2021.
“Our patients and staff have told us there are parking pressures at the facility and we’ve listened and are acting,” Mr Calver said.
“Bunbury Regional Hospital’s $200.1 million redevelopment factors in more car bays than ever before but first, we must undertake this important preliminary work.”
According to Mr Calver, the temporary arrangement will see 110 bays closed.
The main carpark, patient set-down and pick-up points and the emergency entrance remain open and accessible and will not be affected.
To minimise the impact on patients and visitors, a park and ride service will be established at Hay Park for pre-identified staff.
Mr Calver said the remediation works followed site testing that indicated a very low amount of asbestos containing material (ACM) in the soil.
“Here it’s really important to be clear that the levels of ACM are not considered a risk to anyone’s health and safety,” he said.
“Importantly we are taking proactive action to ensure the impacted area of the car park remains safe to use.”
Mr Calver said it was expected that fencing will be erected at the site from next week with works to commence shortly thereafter.
“It remains completely safe to attend South West Health Campus,” he said.
“We are committed to minimising inconvenience to staff, patients and visitors but it’s really important to remember this will empower us to get on with our redevelopment.
“That work will see hundreds of additional parking bays established, more operating theatres, reconfiguring our emergency department; work on our mental health observation area, the establishment of a rural research and training centre and much, much more.”
The remediation project is anticipated to reach completion by quarter three 2021.