Country nurses and midwives make up more than 50 per cent of finalists

Half of the 38 finalists announced in the WA Nursing and Midwifery Excellence Awards are WA Country Health Service nurses and midwives from regional and remote Western Australia
The WA Nursing and Midwifery Excellence Awards brings together nurses and midwives from all over the state with different levels of experience and from a range of work environments. Acting WA Country Health Service Executive Director of Nursing and Midwifery Jeffery Williams said the result was a testament to country nurses and midwives.
“I’m pleased to see 19 very worthy finalists - across a number of categories - are from remote and regional WA,” Mr Williams said.
“The WA Country Health Service employs over 4,000 nurses and midwives making up 42 per cent of our workforce.
“They are at the forefront of our regional healthcare services and their contribution is vital to the health and wellbeing of the communities in which we operate,” he added.
Mr Williams said the WA Country Health Service provides nursing and midwifery services at regional resource centres, integrated district hospitals, small hospitals, in the community and at remote nursing posts.
“Although challenging at times, nurses and midwives living and working in our regional communities find the experience immensely rewarding and having such a significant county representation in finalists is evidence of the exciting opportunities that exist in WA Country Health,” Mr Williams said.
Winners of the 2019 WA Nursing and Midwifery Excellence Awards will be announced at a Gala Ball on Saturday 11th May 2019.
WACHS Finalists:
- Andrew Barrie, WA Country Health Service – Midwest - Excellence in Education
- Jane Darlington, Kununurra District Hospital - Excellence in Education
- Gabrielle Cameron, Dalwallinu Hospital - Excellence in Enrolled Nursing
- Patricia Tolland, Exmouth Hospital - Excellence in Enrolled Nursing
- Kathryn Brown, Kalgoorlie Health Campus - Excellence in Midwifery
- Natasha Colbourne, Murchison Multi-Purpose Service - Consumer Aboriginal Health
- Andrea Rieusset, Broome Hospital - Consumer Aboriginal Health
- Julia Galliers,Kimberley Public Health Unit, Derby Community Health - Excellence in Primary, Public, Community and Residential Care
- Rebecca Caporn, WA Country Health Service - Goldfields Public Health Excellence in Primary, Public, Community and Residential Care
- Di Smith, Northampton Hospital - Excellence in Primary, Public, Community and Residential Care
- Natalie Pass, WACHS Midwest - Excellence in Leadership
- Anita Brewer, Quairading Health Service - Excellence in Rural and Remote Health
- Carron Lodder, Morawa Perenjori Health Service - Excellence in Rural and Remote Health
- Gloria Masekane, Mount Magnet Nursing Post - Excellence in Rural and Remote Health
- Rebeca Berry, Bunbury Hospital - Graduate of the Year
- Elizabeth Churchill, WACHS Great Southern - Graduate of the Year
- Jeremy Everett WACHS Great Southern - Graduate of the Year
- Bunbury Midwifery Group Practice (Kieran Kenny, Jo Melai, Fiona Flett, Christina Mawby, Lindsey Stirling, Megan Van Ballegooyen, Renae Sharpe, Catherine Hemsley), Bunbury Hospital. - Excellence in Person Centred Care – Team Award
- Patricia Jansse, Ravensthorpe Hospital - Consumer Appreciation Award