Celebrating our achievements

The WA Country Health Service (WACHS) is proud to release its 2019-20 Annual Report.
With almost half the year presenting unprecedented challenges for healthcare in Western Australia putting the spotlight on the pandemic response, it is pleasing to note that WACHS has continued to strive for service continuity and has upheld its commitment to country communities.
WACHS services an area of more than 2.5 million square kilometres, with more than 10,000 people working across 110 health facilities- from regional centres to small health sites in some of WA’s most remote areas.
WACHS works hand-in-hand with a range of agencies and care and service providers in regional and remote communities.
These are some of our achievements this past year and more are detailed in the report:
- Formal launch of the WACHS Command Centre which brings together new and existing emergency and specialty services in a 24/7 virtual clinical hub.
- Staff and teams winning numerous awards throughout the year.
- Providing quality healthcare to over 400,000 emergency patients
- Facilitating more than 130,000 hospital admissions and discharges, including delivering over 4,500 babies.
- Launch of WA’s first Telechemotherapy site at the Karratha Health Campus which is now also available in Broome and Narrogin.
- Allowing more than 6,700 patients to access the Royal Flying Doctor Service through the Inter-Hospital Patient Transport Service.
The achievements detailed in the report are testament to the innovation, leadership and commitment of thousands of these dedicated clinical professionals and operations staff who deliver care every hour of the day.