Ross’s creative approach to recovery through art

An exhibition of art that was shown at the Bunbury Regional Art Gallery is one the WA Country Health Service (WACHS) South West Mental Health team is proud of.
The ‘Mental Health Week Art Exhibition’ has been coordinated by Ross Vaughan to showcase the work of students who attend his community art group.
Ross established the community art group at the Bunbury Regional Art Gallery to support anyone on a journey of recovery including those recovering from a mental health illness.
Ross also volunteers his time with WA Country Health Service as a member of the South West Mental Health Consumer and Carer Advisory Group to provide valuable input into our mental health programs.
Sue Pratt, Coordinator with the WA Country Health South West Mental Health Safety and Quality team said Ross’s contribution from his first-hand experience of our services is highly valued and helps ensure we offer the best possible care mental health services.
The art classes provide an affordable opportunity for people to come together, to meet others and explore their recovery through art, or just have some time out.
Ross was recently invited to share his story about the Community Art Group at a Mental Health Conference in Brisbane.
“Expression through art is a key to mental health and Ross’s classes provide a safe and caring space for all,” said Ms Pratt.
“We are proud of Ross’s dedication to the mental health of the Bunbury community and what he has achieved through his art group,” said Ms Pratt.
The exhibition ran from Monday 7 October – Sunday 27 October At: Bunbury Regional Art Gallery, 64 Wittenoom St, Bunbury
For further information contact Jennifer Richards from Richmond Wellbeing on 9722 5900.