State-of-the-art Northam Health Service officially opened following $42 million redevelopment

Health Minister Roger Cook has officially opened Northam Health Service marking the completion of the facility’s $42 million redevelopment.
New, state-of-the-art features include:
• modern operating theatres at double previous capacity
• refurbished recovery suite
• central sterile services department
• dedicated chemotherapy department space including a waiting room, reception, consulting room with telehealth capability and large treatment areas equipped with recliner chairs.
The overall Northam Health Service redevelopment saw the inclusion of an expanded emergency department, purpose-built consultation rooms and indoor and outdoor rehabilitation treatment areas as well as a new ambulatory care building that provides access to community health services including physiotherapy, speech therapy, occupational therapy, counselling, community health nursing, community mental health and aged care support.
A new satellite renal service has also been established and when operational will allow residents of the Wheatbelt requiring dialysis to avoid travel to the metro area for care.
WA Country Health Service Regional Director (Wheatbelt) Rachele Ferrari said the redevelopment enables residents of the Wheatbelt to receive first-class care closer to home.
“The hospital’s redevelopment has allowed staff to deliver more care locally, which reduces the number of patients who need to travel to Perth for medical care and allows them to enjoy the support that comes from having friends and family close by during treatment,” Ms Ferrari said.
The Northam Health Service redevelopment is part of a $1.5 billion modernisation program being delivered by the State Government’s Royalties for Regions program through the WA Country Health Service.
The Commonwealth Government contributed $3.5 million towards the chemotherapy unit.