Emergency department volunteers sought

The emergency department at Albany Health Campus is seeking volunteers to deliver a new program designed to support patients and staff in what can be an overwhelming environment.
According to the WA Country Health Service’s Regional Director, Geraldine Ennis, volunteers will be a valuable addition to the patient-centred care that Albany Health Campus emergency department delivers.
“The emergency department is dynamic and, at times, a demanding place for both patients needing care and our clinicians managing multiple presentations,” Ms Ennis said.
“Under this new program, volunteers will play a key role in comforting and reassuring patients and their families and offer enjoyable activities, such as reading and playing cards in the waiting room,” she added.
The Albany Health Campus operates a number of volunteer programs, including the dementia meet and greet and cancer services volunteers, however this is a first for the emergency department.
Volunteers have proven to be a valuable source of information and support for patients, their families, visitors and staff.
Emma Abraham has volunteered at the Albany Health Campus for 18 months and finds the role very enjoyable.
“It’s so rewarding to think I may have made a person’s day.
I can make a positive difference simply by sitting and chatting with patients, doing a puzzle or just sharing a cuppa. It’s a very heart-warming experience and I highly recommend it,” Ms Abraham said.
The Albany Health Campus is looking for friendly and empathic individuals to join the new Emergency Department Volunteer Program. Ongoing support and training will be provided.
Those interested in volunteering can call 9845 8759 or email ahc.volunteers@health.wa.gov.au