Construction underway at Narrogin Health Service

Construction of the $50 million redevelopment of Narrogin Health Service is underway with the initial groundworks making good progress.
WA Country Health Service Wheatbelt Regional Director Sean Conlan said the two-year construction project would benefit the local community allowing them to get the care they needed closer to home.
“The refurbishment is significant and will deliver a new outpatient building, two new birthing rooms with ensuites, a new inpatient ward, theatre, procedure room and sterilising department, and new dental and chemotherapy services,” Mr Conlan said.
So far minor works on the sewer have been completed, the kitchen refurbishment has begun and a new temporary kitchen is in place.
Work has begun on the footings and concrete slabs for the inpatient ward and outpatient building, the cool room installation, and front carparks.
The redevelopment of the Narrogin Health Service is part of the Southern Inland Health Initiative’s $300 million capital works program to improve capital infrastructure in 37 towns across the Wheatbelt, Great Southern, Midwest and South West regions. In the Wheatbelt, Merredin, Northam and Narrogin Hospitals are being redeveloped as well as upgrades to 23 small hospitals and health centres across the region.