Completed project - Onslow Health Service
Project overview
The Onslow Health Service redevelopment includes a brand new hospital and new facilities for key health services, brought together in a modern, healthcare hub.
Construction was completed in 2018, with the first patients welcomed through the doors on 5 December.
The Onslow Health Service redevelopment was co-funded by Royalties for Regions and the Chevron-operated Wheatstone Project, as part of its $250 million commitment to upgrading Onslow’s social and critical infrastructure.
New and expanded emergency department

The Onslow Health Service includes:
- expanded three-bay emergency department (two acute care and one resuscitation bay)
- xix-bed medical inpatient unit with modern, single rooms
- state-of-the-art telehealth and ICT links for access to a wide range of specialists
- purpose-built digital imaging department
- modern, comfortable and purpose-built outpatient centre for child health, community mental health, physiotherapy, speech therapy, occupational therapy, community health nursing
- new dental clinic
- new facilities for hospital support areas, administration support and a new morgue
- modern entrance, waiting area and triage to allow for better patient flow and greater privacy.
Take a look at the development of the Onslow Health Service.
Click on the icon below to watch the time-lapse video. (Video works best on Google Chrome).
Time lapse video as at May 2017
Photo gallery
Date | Title | Source |
24 November 2018 |
Onslow Health Service construction completed - patients expected in December | Ministerial media statement |
16 November 2016 |
Onslow Health Service construction go-ahead | Media Statements |
10 August 2016 |
Onslow latest beneficiary of North West Health Initiative | Media Statements |
9 December 2014 | 21st century hospital and health care for Onslow | Media Statements |
15 December 2014 | Department of State Development announces infrastructure investment for Onslow |
Department of State Development |