Karratha Health Campus ED sees record number of patients

Karratha Health Campus has etched itself into the history books after the facility saw a record breaking 94 presentations through its emergency department in a single day.
According to the WA Country Health Service’s Margi Faulkner, the figure marks the highest number of presentations in the almost 40 year combined history of Nickol Bay Hospital and Karratha Health Campus.
“On 15 August we saw almost 100 people present to our emergency department for treatment,” Ms Faulkner said.
“The fact they were all seen and treated within a timely manner is a huge testament to local healthcare workers.
“I think we sometimes forget that hospitals are staffed with doctors, nurses and other clinicians who dedicate their days, nights and weekends to saving lives and ensuring the Karratha community remains healthy,” she added.
Ms Faulkner acknowledged the unprecedented number of presentations had placed some demand on the facility but said the WA Country Health Service constantly monitored activity to manage increased numbers.
“There’s no denying that last week was an exceptionally busy one for Karratha Health Campus,” she said.
“But our number one priority will always be ensuring those who need care, receive it.
“The staff at Karratha Health Campus are world class and have managed this unprecedented rush very well,” she added.
The WA Country Health Service is proactive in reviewing staffing resources to ensure appropriate coverage at peak times.