Donnybrook rehabilitation team work together to get Leslie back on her feet

Donnybrook Hospital recently celebrated the first anniversary of its inpatient rehabilitation service.
Over the past year, WA Country Health service has supported close to 100 patients to successfully complete their rehabilitation close to home in Donnybrook.
Patients like Leslie, who was referred to the Donnybrook rehabilitation service after presenting to Bunbury Regional Hospital with seizures and being diagnosed with an acquired brain injury.
WA Country Health Service Acting Executive Director for the South West Karine Miller said the team worked closely with Leslie to improve her mobility, cognition, and communication skills.
“Our aim is to help patients achieve their goals. It’s more than just physical and psychological support,” she said.
“We work with patients to find solutions. That includes creating an environment where comprehensive social work assessments and interventions can occur.”
When Leslie came into our care six months ago her goal was to live independently within the community.
Today, Leslie is living in a beautifully furnished room at a disability accommodation house in Fremantle.
With the help of her support workers, Leslie spends her time op-shopping, walking along the beach, and listening to the buskers at the Fremantle Markets.
And while Leslie may call Fremantle home now, she still refers to the Donnybrook rehabilitation service as “the best place ever.”
“I loved my time there and the people I got to know,” Leslie said.
WA Country Health Service is committed to helping patients return to living in the community through rehabilitation services.