Population Health Services

The Wheatbelt Population Health team is made up of four primary health services located across the region. Our teams work across Aboriginal health, allied health, child development, child health clinics and services, community midwife services, school health and health promotion.

We also have dedicated regional Aboriginal health teams based in Northam, Narrogin, Merredin and Moora, and a regional Public Health Unit based in Northam.


Avon and Central Wheatbelt Primary Health Service


We are located at Northam Health Service in the Ambulatory Care entrance and service the shires of Beverley, Cunderdin, Dowerin, Goomalling, Tammin, Toodyay, Quairading, Northam (including Wundowie) and surrounds.

Phone: (08) 9690 1320

Email: AvonandCentralWheatbeltPrimaryHealthService@health.wa.gov.au

Eastern Wheatbelt Primary Health Service

Front entrance to Merredin Health Service Location:

We are located at Merredin Health Service and service the shires of Bruce Rock, Kellerberrin, Koorda, Mukinbudin, Mt Marshall (including Beacon, Bencubbin), Narembeen, Nungarin, Trayning (including Kununoppin), Westonia, Yilgarn (including Southern Cross), Merredin and surrounds.

hone: (08) 9081 3222

Email: easternwheatbelt.phs@health.wa.gov.au

Southern Wheatbelt Primary Health Service


We are located at Narrogin Health Service in the Ambulatory Care entrance and service the shires of Brookton, Boddington, Corrigin, Cuballing, Dumbleyung, Kondinin, Kulin, Lake Grace, Pingelly, Wagin, Wandering, West Arthur, Wickepin, Williams, Narrogin and surrounds.

Phone: (08) 9881 0385

Email: southernwheatbeltphs@health.wa.gov.au

Western Wheatbelt Primary Health Service


Location: We are located at Moora Health Service servicing the shires of Chittering, Dandaragan (including Jurien Bay and Lancelin), Dallwallinu, Gingin, Victoria Plains, Wongan-Ballidu, Moora and surrounds.

Phone: (08) 9651 0270

Email: western.wheatbeltphs@health.wa.gov.au


Wheatbelt Aboriginal Health Service - Northam


We are located at at the Wheatbelt Aboriginal Health Service in the centre of Northam and service the shires of Beverley, Cunderdin, Dowerin, Goomalling, Toodyay, Quairading, Northam and surrounds.

Phone: (08) 9690 2888

Email: wachs-wheatbelt_aboriginalhealthservice@health.wa.gov.au

Wheatbelt Public Health Unit


Location: We are located at the Northam Health Service in the Ambulatory Care building and service the 43 shires of the Wheatbelt region. 

Phone: (08) 9690 1720

Email: wheatbelt.phu@health.wa.gov.au

Last Updated: 19/03/2025