Carnarvon residential care facility named

As part of our commitment to developing health services that are culturally welcoming, we’ve named Carnarvon’s new $19.1 million residential care facility Gnullingoo Mia Residential Care.
The WA Country Health Service (WACHS) Midwest team consulted with senior Inggarda Elders and the Bundiyarra – Irra Wangga Language Centre on an inclusive Inggarda name for the facility.
The name Gnullingoo Mia (pronounced Null-ing-oo My-ah) comes from the Inggarda words Gnulli; which means all of us, and Mia; which is home, so the translation into English is; our home.
Gnullingoo Mia Residential Care will be co-located at Carnarvon Hospital to enable integration with other health services.
The 38 bed facility includes accommodation for couples and family members and ensures local people feel at home while accessing culturally sensitive care in their local community.
Gnullingoo Mia Residential Care is on track with practical completion expected in later quarter four 2021, enabling new residents to occupy the facility in quarter two 2022.
WACHS Midwest A/Regional Director Karen Street says naming the facility is an opportunity to highlight the close connection the community feels to the land and the region.
“The development of the Gnullingoo Mia Residential Care facility is incredibly important to the people of Carnarvon and we wanted the name to represent the history and culture of the Inggarda people.”