Additional COVID-19 vaccination clinics open in the South West

WA Country Health Service (WACHS) is bolstering the COVID-19 vaccination rollout across the regions, with two new community vaccination clinics opening in the South West.
In Busselton, a new community COVID-19 vaccination clinic is now open at the Youth and Community Activities Building, 21 Foreshore Parade. The clinic will run every Tuesday and Friday and administer the Pfizer vaccine. This replaces the clinic previously operating out of the hospital.
From Thursday, 29 July, a clinic will also open at Manjimup Town Hall, 37-39 Rose Street. The clinic will operate every Thursday and will be providing the Pfizer vaccination.
Almost 50,000 South West residents have already taken the opportunity to receive their first vaccine, and these two new clinics will further boost numbers by administering around 600 vaccines a week.
Both clinics have been made possible through collaboration with the City of Busselton and the Shire of Manjimup.
WACHS is now administering vaccines from 89 towns and communities in regional WA. These clinics are essential in protecting regional communities against COVID-19.
To check your eligibility and book a vaccine appointment, visit