Country health supports nurse Kellie to assist Albany Health Campus surgical team

WA Country Health Service is encouraging staff to take up opportunities designed to staff to extend their skills while supporting them to live and work in regional WA.
Advanced Skills Enrolled Nurse Kellie Loverock is already putting her new expertise as a qualified Anaesthetic Assistant to good use, helping her Albany Health Campus’ theatre colleagues to deliver outstanding care.
Alongside on-the-job training supervised by anaesthetic technicians and senior nurses, Kellie recently completed a 12-month online course to receive the workplace-based formal qualification.
Kellie said being able to undertake her coursework online made all the difference.
“With working full time, plus study, plus family commitments, having access to the materials online really helped me to manage my time and complete the course.
“I thoroughly enjoyed all the tutorials and the learnings have been really invaluable.”
Executive Director Great Southern Evelyn Quinn said that Kellie’s commitment to upskilling is a benefit to both theatre staff and the Great Southern community.
“Wherever possible, we like to support our staff’s professional growth and development to gain relevant qualifications and extend themselves,” Ms Quinn said.
“We very much appreciate Kellie taking on this additional learning so we can grow our very special anaesthetic team.
“It’s a win-win for staff and our community.”
A theatre scrub scout nurse for many years, Kellie is also undertaking studies to become a Registered Nurse.
“That has been challenging – that’s a two-year course, and for me, it has come at the same time as the anaesthetic assistant course,” Kellie said.
“The support from everyone on the floor has been fantastic, there’s been so much enthusiasm from my colleagues to teach and to pass on their knowledge and wisdom.”
Before moving to the Great Southern, Kellie spent 15 years working in the Kimberley and Pilbara.
“Moving from Kununurra to Albany is like landing on Mars,” Kellie said.
“My family are really enjoying the lifestyle and getting involved in the community and things like surf lifesaving.
“But apart from the landscape and the climate, it’s not that different – I still get to call on the full scope of my skills and knowledge, and I still get to work with a fantastic team.
“I feel so privileged to have such a strong cohort of very skilled nurses at the hospital, it’s like having a community here.”