Cutting-edge health operations centre opens in heart of Perth CBD

A highly advanced centralised operation centre dedicated to essential health care services across Western Australia is up and running.
Key health emergency services have come together under one roof in the State Health Operations Centre (SHOC) with components from the Department of Health, WA Country Health Service Command Centre, Royal Flying Doctor Service, St John WA, and the Department of Fire and Emergency Services, in this fit-for-purpose facility in the heart of Perth.
Co-locating these health functions will allow for better co-ordination of patient hospital movements across the health system and better integration between WA Health and other State emergency services.
Located in the same building as the new WA Police Force State Operations Command Centre, the SHOC facility has access to sophisticated power and network capabilities, ensuring continuous operations.
One of the many services to operate within the SHOC is the recently expanded WA Virtual Emergency Department. The virtual emergency department expansion will allow metro area patients, aged 16 and over, to be seen virtually in the comfort of their own home. Regional patients will continue to benefit from the Emergency Telehealth Service, also to be co-located in SHOC.
The SHOC is part of the State Government's $827 million commitment to improving access to emergency care for all Western Australians. Reforms already underway include step up step down aged care beds, the Patient Transport Coordination Hub which streamlines ambulance movements and nation-leading pilots which give hospital patients access to respite care.