Albany radiation oncology service progresses with release of forward works

The $13.1 million Albany radiation oncology service is a step closer with the release of the forward works tender.
Forward works include improvements to parking and vehicle access at Albany Health Campus as well as preparation for the main building works which are anticipated to commence in 2021.
Once complete, the project will deliver a specialised bunker, known as a Linac Suite, to provide radiation oncology services using high energy x-rays which destroy cancer cells.
Great Southern Regional Director, Geraldine Ennis PSM said the preliminary works are essential in ensuring the site is able to safely house the lifesaving radiotherapy equipment.
“This machinery emits radiation to treat cancer patients but that same radiation is dangerous to those who do not need it,” Ms Ennis said.
“Safety is paramount and that is why it’s vital we get this preliminary step right to protect our patients, visitors and staff and ensure the longevity of this multi-million dollar equipment,” she added.
“Having a radiation oncology service locally means Great Southern cancer patients who currently need to travel to Perth or Bunbury for multiple treatments will be able to remain close to family, friends and support networks in their time of need,” Ms Ennis said.
“This important milestone will prepare the site so the main construction works can commence and improvements to parking and vehicle access will see an additional 67 bays established by project completion,” she added.
The new service is expected to be operational in the latter half of 2022.