Hedland health workers take out Rotary Award

A team of health professionals based in South Hedland have been named category winner for Rural and Remote Practice at the 2018 Rotary Allied Health Team Excellence Awards.
The group, made up of a nutrition coordinator, community dietitian, diabetes educator and two health promotion officers, were recognised to have shown exceptional dedication and commitment to improving the health and wellbeing of Pilbara residents with diabetes.
According to the WA Country Health Service’s Anna McDonald, Rotary received over 40 nominations in what proved to be a particularly competitive field.
“Our Allied Health team know firsthand the extremes and contrasts that characterise life in the Pilbara,” Ms McDonald said.
“This award is recognition of the unique challenges experienced and overcome by the team on a daily basis,” she added.
Ms McDonald said Allied Health workers play a critical role in the WA Country Health Service’s efforts to improve health outcomes for country Western Australians.
“Allied Health represents a wide-range of disciplines and marks one of the most effective professional health workforce cohorts,” she said.
“Our multidisciplinary team here in Hedland has been focused on the implementation of measures to keep the community healthy and out of hospital,” she added.
Team members include:
Hannah Castledine - Nutrition Coordinator – Hedland Health Campus
Eunice Asare - Community Dietitian – South Hedland Community Health
Kate Wilson - Diabetes Educator – Hedland Health Campus
Laura Moylon – Health Promotion - Hedland Health Campus
Kianna Barker – Health Promotion - Hedland Health Campus