From HR to HDU for Kalgoorlie’s Dr Georgina Trotter

WA Country Health Service Consultant Physician Dr Georgina Trotter is a big fan of continuous learning.
As Head of Department for Kalgoorlie Health Campus’ High Dependency Unit (HDU), Dr Trotter’s career pathway has been anything but typical.
Having started at Kalgoorlie Health Campus in Human Resources, the spark of continuous learning led her to a pathway to nursing before she decided to study medicine.
“I came to Kalgoorlie Hospital as a Human Resources Manager, which led to other roles in clinical risk management and patient safety,” she said.
“It was when I was working in this area that I commenced a nursing degree.
“I was doing well and especially enjoying the science, so I decided I wanted to study medicine.”
Dr Trotter says that her passion for study and her keen sense of community helped her to focus on her goals despite the added challenges of raising a young family.
“I managed to get through medical training while being a busy mum of four young kids and achieved dual fellowship in General Medicine and Infectious Diseases,” she told us.
“I always thought I would return once fully qualified to use my knowledge and skills to help improve the health of the community.”
Dr Trotter said in her current role she is able to innovate to deliver high quality care to her community.
“We are always trying to innovate and improve our service for both inpatients and outpatients,” she said.
“The commencement of Health in a Virtual Environment (HIVE) in our HDU is a good example of an initiative that uses technology and support from a tertiary hospital in order to improve patient outcomes.”
Dr Trotter said being able to help people who are unwell was a privilege.
“I really feel that we provide a very comprehensive, high-quality medical service at Kalgoorlie Health Campus,” she said.
“We have a great medical department with a close knit and supportive team who make coming to work a pleasure.”