Dietitians caring for country patients

This Dietitians Week WA Country Health Service (WACHS) is celebrating country dietitians for all they do for our communities.
Dietitians are an important part of primary healthcare teams and provide patients with nutrition education and awareness and specialise in the prevention and management of chronic conditions.
From acute care dietetic skills to community led clinics, our dietitians provide support for a range of clinical dietetic presentations.
Coordinator Dietetics Corrina Michael said dietetics teams help us understand the link between nutrition and physical and mental wellbeing.
“The food we eat is a key contributor to our health,” Ms Michael said.
“Our dietitians help create tailored nutritional plans for patients who are affected by health conditions such as diabetes, heart disease, food allergies, renal disease and cancer.
“They educate on optimal food choices, support food literacy and cooking groups, supermarket tours, deliver nutrition education to physiotherapy cardiac groups, use digital advances through virtual clinics, and support new program areas across WA Country Health Service,” she added.
Goldfields Senior Dietitian Cancer Services Erin Vlatko working across country WA is a rewarding job.
“WA Country Health Service has a great network of dietitians,” Erin told us.
“It’s great feeling like you’re making a difference not just to an individual’s health but the health of the community.”
Pilbara Senior Dietitian Eunice Asare told us it’s the support from her colleagues that has a long-lasting impact.
“From aged care to paediatrics, food services to medical services, everyone comes together to support each other,” Eunice said.
For Goldfields Dietetics Coordinator Rachel Nugent feels privileged to be a mentor to junior dietitians.
“It allows me to share some of my experiences while also learning from them as well,” Rachel said.
Are you a dietitian thinking of a career in country WA? Visit: