What do CRP placements look like?

Community Residency Program 2025 positions
Applications open 27 May 2024 and close 1 July 2024. Applications are only accepted via the MedCareersWA website.
A true Rural Generalist experience, you will be based at Kununurra District Hospital, participating in GP clinics in remote Aboriginal communities with possible opportunities to get involved with the Royal Flying Doctor Service for patient transfers.
Based at Derby Health Service with experience in ED, adult general ward, paediatrics and theatres (elective and emergency procedures). You will visit remote Aboriginal communities such as Looma (weekly) and work along the Dampier Peninsula visiting Lombadina and One Arm Point (up to five days per term).
Based at Karratha Health Campus spending time in the ED, general medical, gynaecological, obstetric and surgical areas. You will rotate to small regional hospitals; Roebourne and Onslow which offer experience in emergency services, GP and Emergency Telehealth Service (ETS).
Working within the Geraldton Health Campus Paediatric team providing acute, community and developmental paediatrics services to the Midwest region. You will be involved in supporting community-based clinics including the regular community health outpatient clinic, a weekly Geraldton Regional Aboriginal Medical Service clinic and at least one visit to Meekatharra, Mount Magnet or Morawa each term.
There are two CRP RMO positions available in Esperance, both based on the wards at Esperance Health Campus with opportunities in ED, labour ward and theatre. The community component is within a private GP clinic working sessionally; approx one day per week. You will gain experience in a wide range of presentations from neonatology to palliative care and be involved in providing the full spectrum of care.
Based in the Paediatric team at Kalgoorlie Health Campus you will gain community experience attending paediatric health screening clinics, the child development and high-risk neonatal clinic and hospital ambulatory paediatric clinic. You may also attend outreach clinics at Coolgardie, Leonora, Laverton and Mount Margaret Mission School.
Based in the Narrogin Health Service ED, seeing a wide range of case presentations such as paediatrics, obstetrics, mental health and geriatrics. You will spend the community component working at a private GP clinic in Narrogin for approximately one day per week.
*Rotations may be subject to change