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Country clinicians dedicated to reducing illness rates among Aboriginal people 06 November 2019 A finalist in the 2019 Health Excellence Awards, the Pina Karnpi Pilot Project aims to reduce instances of ear disease in Aboriginal children by offering ear health screenings at the same time as childhood immunisation. The data on this program speaks for itself – since inception in late-2017 there have been more than 462 occasions of service among Aboriginal children. 42 per cent of these occasions have produced a Type B result – an indication of middle ear disease that may have gone undiagnosed and untreated otherwise. Congratulations to our country clinicians for their ongoing commitment to making Aboriginal people feel safe, secure and understood in a healthcare setting. The WA Health Excellence Awards was in Perth on 7 November. WA Country Health Service had nine finalists across eight project categories. You can view the complete list of finalists here.
Digital campaign increases engagement nominated for excellence awards 06 November 2019 A digital campaign increasing engagement between health services providers and its regional community was nominated in the WA Health Excellence Awards. Eastern Wheatbelt Primary Health Service’s (EWPHS) Fit for Print campaign was developed to provide consistent information to consumers spread over 12 shires in the region. The digital newsletter campaign provides information on health services available and on how patients can access them. Since its development the EWPHS has seen an increase in staff engagement and improvements to patient experience. With a focus on the community, the e-newsletters are tailored to the people they reach building rapport and trust between EWPHS and the community. They also feature staff providing greater understanding of services available. The digital newsletter’s content can be shared to GP waiting room displays, the My Healthy Wheatbelt F...
Population Health team in running for major health award 06 November 2019 An electronic tool designed to boost community health outcomes in rural WA was selected as a finalist in the 2019 WA Health Excellence Awards. The Community Health Information System (CHIS) provides a single, standardised electronic health record to support the management and delivery of 178 community-based services across country health. With more than 1,500 users across the State, the system has significantly improved the sharing of clinical information and was a finalist in Category 1: Managing Resources Efficiently and Effectively. Acting Executive Director Health Programs Karine Miller, said the nomination was credit to the hard work of the implementation team which first identified a need for a WACHS-wide health information system five years ago. “The main focus of CHIS is to continue to improve population health outcomes and the overall client experience,” Karine s...
Redeveloped Merredin Health Service and new Mukinbudin Health Centre officially opened 01 November 2019 Representing the Minister for Health, Agricultural Region MLC Laurie Graham has officially opened the redeveloped Merredin Health Service and the new Mukinbudin Health Centre. The redevelopment is part of a $1.5 billion infrastructure modernisation program to improve health services across regional Western Australia. To read the full statement, visit the Ministerial website.
Telehealth allows Kimberley mums-to-be to attend maternity classes 31 October 2019 Childbirth and parenting classes delivered by telehealth are empowering Kimberley women, providing them with knowledge and the chance to discuss parenting queries without leaving their communities. This week is Telehealth Awareness Week (25 – 31 October 2019), shining the spotlight on how digital technology is helping country people access specialist and multi-disciplinary care closer to home. The WA Country Health Service has been using telehealth technology to deliver childbirth and parenting classes right across Western Australia from the Wheatbelt Group Midwifery Practice. The next four-part series of classes is scheduled to commence Friday 1 November and is open to anyone, anywhere in the state who is expecting a baby and interested in learning more - mums, dads, partners and any support people are welcome. Derby resident, Amy Radzevicius recently participated in the classe...
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