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Northam and Narrogin hospitals infrastructure update 14 November 2018 The WA Country Health Service is currently overseeing the biggest transformation of country hospitals and health facilities in more than a generation. This $1.5 billion building program is the most ambitious ever undertaken in regional WA and includes more than 80 sites from Kununurra in the Kimberley to Albany in the Great Southern. Along with new bricks and mortar comes the installation of state-of-the-art information and communications technology, including telehealth links and videoconferencing to facilitate services such as emergency telehealth and more options for access to specialists. In line with contemporary international approaches to planning, the WA Country Health Service's infrastructure program focuses on bringing services together into healthcare hubs – community mental health, child health and allied health, prevention and education, and emergency care. Among many ...
Sowing the seeds of healthy eating in remote communities 07 November 2018 A unique partnership between the WA Country Health Service and EON Foundation is improving the health of Pilbara children in five remote Aboriginal communities. ThePilbara Healthy Eating and Lifestylesproject is a finalist in this year’s WA Health Excellence Awards, recognised for its multi-faceted nutrition program which is teaching school-aged children the importance of diet in preventing chronic disease. Delivered in consultation with the community, the program has enabled the establishment and maintenance of community edible gardens which are used as the foundation to deliver nutrition education. WACHS Pilbara’s Population Health Nutrition Coordinator Hannah Castledine said the community gardens have not only planted the seed around healthy eating but have also established a secure supply of fresh food for local communities. “This unique partnership is delivering ev...
New surgical services unit the latest improvement at Katanning Health Service 17 October 2018 Redevelopment of the Katanning Health Service continues to progress with the opening of a new surgical services unit. The WA Country Health Service’s David Naughton said the unit was the latest addition in a list of improvements at Katanning Health Service along with upgrades to the sterilising department, laundry and morgue. “This is part of a raft of improvements to the hospital – all set to benefit locals by allowing them to receive care closer to home,” Mr Naughton said. The Katanning Health Service will continue to provide day surgery procedures including: ear, nose and throat; colonoscopy and endoscopy, ophthalmology, dental, anesthetics; and GP minor procedures. Mr Naughton said building upgrades at the site included telehealth and non-clinical support services, a new state-of-the-art emergency department and a new outpatient and primary care facility. Mr N...
Hedland health workers take out Rotary Award 15 October 2018 A team of health professionals based in South Hedland have been named category winner for Rural and Remote Practice at the 2018 Rotary Allied Health Team Excellence Awards. The group, made up of a nutrition coordinator, community dietitian, diabetes educator and two health promotion officers, were recognised to have shown exceptional dedication and commitment to improving the health and wellbeing of Pilbara residents with diabetes. According to the WA Country Health Service’s Anna McDonald, Rotary received over 40 nominations in what proved to be a particularly competitive field. “Our Allied Health team know firsthand the extremes and contrasts that characterise life in the Pilbara,” Ms McDonald said. “This award is recognition of the unique challenges experienced and overcome by the team on a daily basis,” she added. Ms McDonald said Allied Health workers p...
New entry opens at Narrogin Health Service 01 October 2018 Narrogin Health Service’s new entrance inspired by local hay bales is now open. WA Country Health Service Southern Wheatbelt Primary Health Manager Dee Hollett said the large light-filled reception and lobby–waiting area created an inspiring new hospital entry statement for outpatients and visitors. “Now that the entry is open it completes our move into the new outpatient area,” Ms Hollett said. “The waiting and reception areas are very light and inviting, and the new child health and consulting rooms enable us to deliver services from modern consulting spaces. “The staff are very excited about working out of the new areas,” she added. Narrogin Health Service redevelopment lead architect Nathan Limpus said the “hay bale” structure was designed to capture the community’s character and rural setting. “The checkerboard facade...
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